Master The Mental Game Program
Join My Master The Mental Game Program Now
...because 80% of success in business begins and ends with the mind
Master The Mental Game Program
Online Course
Once you sign up for this digital online course, you will be given a password and will be taken to the membership site where you can start the program immediately. You will be given access to the whole program with an introduction to outline how to get the best out of this course. It should take you about 5 weeks to go through the 5 modules in the course. At the end of the course you will be given a blueprint that you can print off or download to carry with you so you can practice and use the mental fitness skills whenever and wherever you need it and with whomever you are with.
At the End of the Program You Will...

Get Freedom
Get Freedom from a job you that has kept you trapped and begin pursuing your Dream Business

Feel Calmer
Feel more inner peace

Increase Your Confidence
Begin to realize your true worth in business

Reduce Your Stress
Decrease your anxiety, worry and frustration

Stop Feeling Exhausted
Start feeling more energized and excited. Make life an adventure instead of a chore

Regain Your Authenticity
Get clarity to your 'True Self' - the only part of you that can steer you to your Dream Business
My purpose is to help entrepreneurs-at-heart find and live their purpose
I have spent thousands of hours researching the latest in neuroscience and work stress and I have applied these lessons to myself and my clients. In the last 12 years I have gained much more insight into the connection between the mind and the body and between stress, pain & sickness than I ever did before. And now I want to pass what I learned about managing stress to you.
The good news is that I know you are probably not as enthusiastic about research as I am so I have distilled everything I learned into an easily understandable formula – Just 3 steps Away©.
I love teaching this to others and sharing what I learned. I wish someone had done that for me. It would have saved me time, money and a whole lot of struggle.
it’s my mission, my Dharma, and my passion, to help others learn who their True Self is and begin to manage their blind spots to optimize their path to their purpose.
Inside the
Master The Mental Game Program
- Learn what neuroscience has revealed about the
right order of getting your body prepared to decrease your stress. (Hint: telling
yourself to “calm down” or “relax” has proved futile.)
- Just as you prepare the soil before you plant the seeds, here you will learn a quick and pragmatic way to put your body into the optimal energy state before you can change your focus and take charge of your Blind Spots.
So, Who is this Program for?
So, Who is this Program Not for?
- This program is not for people who don’t want to take responsibility for their own situation in life or if you are looking for someone to blame for your own stress level.
- People who don’t want to look within themselves to find answers to their biggest challenges
- People who want a magic trick for their stress. This program teaches you the three steps to manage your stress but you have to practice them.
- People who have no trouble managing their stress level. Great – then you don’t need it.
- People who have more severe symptoms and need professional help. Consult a professional mental health professional if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- People who are paranoid and believe that most people are out to get them.
- People who have difficulty recognizing, identifying and describing their emotions. This is called alexithymia. You will have trouble even noticing your stress.
- People who have such severe work stress that they are in Burnout
- People who often feel the following symptoms when stressed: Numb, disconnected from yourself and others, hopelessness, dizzy, nausea, blurred vision, limp limbs; foggy thinking. This indicates that there very well might be trauma or attachment issues in your childhood.
This is not Magic
This program will require you to put work into it. But I can assure you, I have seen it many times with my clients, the more you put into something, the more you will get out of it. Do you consider yourself an adventurous person? If you said “yes”, then you will be very interested to learn how you can start getting in control of your mind today, instead of it controlling you.
Case Studies of Entrepreneurs-at-heart who have been through the Program
What is the Investment for this Program?
I am going to share the dollar investment with you in a moment, but before I do, let me share with you why it may be the least expensive thing you ever purchased.
In my years of treating people physically and emotionally and mentally, I have found that the #1 thing that brings more pain to people is their stress. People are subconsciously reacting to normal challenges and failures in life as if they are in mortal danger. They are OVER-reacting. And yet, most people are unaware of how much this hurts them or even how much stress they really have because they are so busy trying to get rid of all their stresses by avoidance or self-medicating with drugs and alcohol. Or these stresses lead to chronic back pain and migraine headaches or diseases like gastric reflux, high blood pressure, heart disease and depression. And you spend so much time treating the pain and diseases that you never get to the root of the issue – your blind spots causing the stress.
What would you pay to avoid the pain and illnesses from suffering through 5 more years of high stress with your company? ... $1000? ... $5,000?
I hope your health is worth that much. People spend years in therapy trying to undo years of stress on their body. What is it worth to you to avoid that?
Look at it from the other side – How much can your income grow when you have the newfound confidence to tackle any confrontation with the set of tools you will get in this training?
...$10,000? ...$20,000?
For these live ‘Managing Your Stress’ seminars, people have paid over $500. But because I don’t have to incur all the costs of putting on a live seminar, I am able to give you a special offer.

For those of you who are serious about taking control and managing your work stress,
I am going to give this to you for only...
$497 $297
[All funds in USD] You’ll be able to get to calm, confidence, clarity and connectedness in just 3 Steps
– all taught by me.
Take advantage of this special offer and get started putting your True Self back in charge of your life NOW. You will...
- Be Stronger
- Be More relaxed and assertive at work
- Take on bigger challenges
- Attract more business
- Improve your revenues
- Be Happier and healthier
Click the link below and take control of your work stress and your blind spots.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days
I’ll take away any and all of your risk. Go through the whole program and use it for 30 days. Practice the tools I give you in the program daily as well as when you get triggered into high stress. If after 30 days you are not completely satisfied with the program, just send us an email asking for your money back and we'll be glad to give it to you. I don’t want you to have it if you are not completely satisfied because I want you to use it and tell your friends to buy it too.
Dr. Sam's Live Q & A FREE (normally $49.97/mo.)

I will be running a weekly Q & A Webinar to answer any questions people in the course have. You can use this time to sharpen the mental fitness tools I give you in the course. If you sign up now, this is complimentary. (I don't know how long this offer will last.)
$297 off Dr. Sam's
Flagship Course

You will receive the equivalent amount - $297 - as a credit that you can use as a discount for my flagship program, Discover Your Custom-fit Business. This course guides entrepreneurs-at-heart to a business that is a best match for them.
Dr. Sam's Print Book FREE

You get a FREE copy of my highly acclaimed book, Live Your Dreams: Doctor's Orders. It describes how 40 people overcame their fears and obstacles to discover and start their own Dream Businesses and tips on how the reader can apply these lessons to their own life.
Here’s what Entrepreneurs are saying...

Jack Canfield
Co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and Author of The Success Principles
Dr. Samuel Gerstein walks his talk. His own journey of self-discovery led him to his dream of helping others find theirs.

Tom Stoyan
Canada's Sales Coach
To discover your dream, what's blocking or slowing you down; or to discover how to get where your heart wants to take you...and get there more quickly -call Dr. Sam. And call him first!

Joan Barrington
Founder, The Therapeutic Clown Program at The Hospital For Sick Kids
Dr. Samuel Gerstein is very encouraging about his message of change and self fulfillment for all of us and how deciding to make this shift in our lives can bring happiness alongside great success.

Dr. Bahram Jam
Director: Advanced Physical Therapy Education Institute
I can truly say that Sam Gerstein was life changing for me.
Over 10 years ago he helped me discover my business
direction and I have not looked back since.
Dr. Sam Gerstein
As former Chief of an Emergency Department, Dr. Sam Gerstein witnessed first-hand the toll work stress takes on people’s health. After over 20 years in the ER, he pivoted his practice to psychotherapy to focus on the total Mind-Body.
In the last 13 years he has helped entrepreneurs-at-heart to first manage their work stress and burnout, and then guide them to identify and manage their own mental blind spots so they could leave dissatisfying jobs and discover and start their own custom-fit businesses to make a difference in the world. Now, as a Business Strategy Coach, he uses the same strategies to help even more entrepreneurs find their purpose and begin their Dream Business.
Well, hope is not a plan!
If you still aren’t sure, let me tell you that most people hope they don’t face difficult clients, or hope they don’t fail or get rejected and when they do come up against one of these adverse events, they become overwhelmed and stressed out.
With practice, my clients learn how to manage the parts of themselves that become triggered into fearful reactions and stress responses. You will begin to change the old disempowering conditioning and install new habits in your life. This will have dramatic effects not only in business and at work, but also in your income and profits, in your personal life and all of your relationships.
With this Just 3-steps Away from calm, confidence and clarity method, you no longer have to hope you don’t face adversity because you will have a method you can trust to deal with it.
Remember, with this method, you are always JUST 3 STEPS AWAY FROM CALM, CONFIDENCE, CLARITY and CONNECTEDNESS anywhere, anytime and with anyone. Click on the link to start using this method in your life.
Click the link below to take advantage of this special offer and get started putting your True Self back in charge of your life NOW.
What Are You Waiting For?
Let’s Improve Your Business Resilience Now!
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I don’t like this course? Will you refund my tuition?
Who do I contact if I have questions?
What if I fall behind?
What if I get stuck on a certain part or exercise? Is there anyone who will help me though it?
Does this work?
Will it work for me?
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