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Here's What You'll Get:

  • See that it is possible for people to do what they love at work AND make money doing it. Not that long ago, this was considered a fantasy.
  • Discover that "Successful" people are not any different than you and me. They too have fears and challenges in life. When you read this book you will learn how they faced financial challenges, marital problems, disappointments, and setbacks. 
  • Learn how each of the 40 people highlighted in the book overcame their limiting beliefs and fears to transition from their career to their Dream Business. 
  • After each story, there is a special section, for you, the reader, to learn how you can start implementing the lessons of the story in your lives. 
  • Be inspired to change your life direction and follow your Dreams

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Copyright © 2023 Dreams For Real Inc.  | Transforming Your Work Life