Your Work Life Transformation Program

Most work stress is due to a mismatch between You and Your Career. 

This Program Guides You to Discover Your Own Unique Dream Career 

 Your Work Life Transformation Program

What would it be like to wake up excited about work and feel fully alive?

If you can't even imagine that, that's okay. That's exactly what I will help you do.   

At the End of the Program You Will...

Be More Confident

You don't need self-improvement. You need this Program that awakens you and brings your strengths to the forefront. 

Find Inner Peace

You will feel an inner peace when you align your True Self with the work you do. It's like finding "your people". 

Bring Meaning to your Work

Feel a deep connection to your work as you contribute something meaningful to others.

Feel Less Stressed

Reduce your anxiety, worry and frustration

Have More Freedom

Get Freedom from a job that has kept you trapped, and begin pursuing your Ideal Career Match

Add Life to Your Years and Years to Your Life

It will make you happier AND healthier.

You can have all of that and more. No matter how you are currently feeling at work, you can change your situation. But you need to be able to see the problem as it is.

Why are so many people stressed in their careers?

Most of the time it's not the career itself - It's because they are not a good fit for the career they are in. 

Staying may sound like the smart and reasonable thing to do, despite how badly it may feel. If this is you - working a career that you know deep down isn’t for you but you haven’t taken action to leave - you may be saying things like: 

  • I don’t want to lose the “security” of the paycheque, benefits and/or pension plan 
  • Everyone tells me how great my career is, so it must be me
  • I don’t want to disappoint my __________ (pick one: parents; clients; supervisor; colleagues) by leaving
  • I don't want to go back to school and start over again  

Staying will not make any of your problems go away, no matter how hard you try. In fact, it only makes your work stress worse. 

You may be on your way to Burnout and don’t even know it

When you get there, (if you’re not already there), you may be experiencing symptoms like... 

  • Exhaustion
  • Cynicism and apathy towards your job
  • Your work performance begins to suffer

And if left unchecked, it only gest worse…

  • Major depression and/or rage
  • suicidal or homicidal thoughts,
  • drug or alcohol abuse
  • physical illnesses like heart disease, high blood pressure and ulcers

When you reach high levels of burnout, the more you do, the worse it gets. You try working harder but find that only makes your productivity worse. 

It’s like trying to climb out of a hole in the wet ground. Each time you try get a foothold to take a step up, you fall down as dirt gives way and the hole just gets bigger. Now you are further away from getting out than when you started.

What you need is a ladder to help you get out.

This Program is Your Ladder and Your Way Out of the Hole You are in

It will transform you from feeling fearful and stressed, like an imposter always trying to improve, to feeling confident and relaxed as you align your career with who your truly are. 

As a result of completing this program, you will…

1. Start to tap into your strongest, passionate and most confident part of yourself to take back control of your work life anywhere and anytime.

2. Begin to manage your biggest blocks and fears that are keeping you stuck in a dissatisfying, energy-sucking job and stressing you out.

3. Have a clear path to a career that is an ideal match for you

4. Awaken your passion for work and feel you’re contributing in a meaningful way

5. Have a proprietary method you can use to maintain your clarity and focus to ensure you stay on the best path for you for the rest of your life

...for many, for the first time in your life

Testimonials from People who have been through my Program...

Sp |   App Creator

...strike a balance between soulful and practical

I’m grateful for all the help you have given me. I think I most appreciate how you strike a balance between being soulful and practical. You push me to really pursue my passion and what my gut tells me will make me happy; however, you balance that with a rational, level-headedness which helps the conservative skeptic in me grant me license to go for it.

CK|   Dog Trainer

you literally gave me my life back...

Thank you. You literally gave me my life back when I was spiraling and didn’t see it. Everyone in my life knows who Dr. Sam is and wants a Dr. Sam of their own. When I see people thinking they couldn’t have a different job, I feel sad because I was once there and it is so difficult to see the light when you are stuck.

NT  |   Academic Consultant

This was one of the best decisions I've ever made

You reminded me of who I really am – my True Self. I’ll always be grateful for the positive contribution you’ve had on my life and your loving humanity. This was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

What Does this Program Involve?

This program is composed of 2 main Parts that you will go through over 17 weeks.

It is one of the most comprehensive internal exploration programs in the market today.  

At the end of Part 1 you will:

  • identify and call forward your higher “True Self” 
  • manage your fear parts that kept you stuck in a job you didn’t like.  

At the end of Part 2 you will:

  • draw from what best resonates with you in each of the exercises in this Part
  • identify your ideal career match -  your "Dream Career" .

Your journey will be guided by a Multimedia approach that is geared to different learning styles. These include a combination of:

  • Videos presentations that allow you to learn on your own time
  • Video walk-throughs help you connect the concepts to real-work examples – watch as I take someone through the Discovery program to her Ideal Match
  • Bonus Videos in Part 2 that helps you anticipate and manage the fear parts that try to interfere with your journey to your best career match.  
  • Pre-recorded audio visualizations to tap deeper into your subconscious where other answers lay waiting
  • Quizzes in Part 1 that will help you retain the tools better
  • Pdf downloads that direct you to identify:
  • Your own True Self and unique Fear Parts (Part 1)
  • You own clues each week as you move one step closer to your best career match

Live Q&A & Coaching with me: 

Each week I will be conducting 2 live webinars: one for any questions you may have about any module in Part 1 and another for any Week in Part 2. Each Webinar will be 1 and a half hours long. During the calls I will be discussing any issues or questions that I received during the previous week or during the Webinar itself. These Webinars are only open to people who are members of this Program. The Webinars will be recorded and using your password, you can listen to replays at your convenience. You will have access to these Webinars for one year. 

Are they guaranteed to have dedicated time during these calls? If so, how much? Who will be on these calls? Is there privacy? Is this an intimate group or a large group? How long do they have access to these calls? Are they recorded? Can they listen to replays? 

Questions for Part 1 include clarifying the distinctions between the 3 different parts of people, emotional intelligence, why to appreciate negative feelings like anxiety and anger, how to work with these fear parts and faster ways you can use to get back to your 'True Self', to name a few. Sometimes, I will role-play with a volunteer, to demonstrate how different parts of the self interact. I will also give examples of  people I have worked with over the years to show you what these parts sound like.    

Questions for Part 2 can include: clearing up any confusion in an exercise, what to do if you don't have an answer for what was asked in that week's exercise, how to recognize themes as you move through the program and how to begin putting it all together. I will be using examples of people I have already guided through the program. In some webinars, I will be working with a volunteer to better illustrate any point. 

Part 1 – Start Managing the Fears that Keep You Stuck

In Part 1 you will learn how to recognize and tap into your higher ‘True Self’. and you will learn how to manage your fearful defensive parts. Without this critical step, you will continue to unknowingly allow fear to steer your choices. Only then will you be ready for your journey to your unique True Self’s Dream Business in Part 2. (I refer to these sections as "Modules" because you may want to go through this Part 1 faster than once a week.) 

Module 1: Get to know your True Self

  • Here is a secret: Your True Self is the only part that can LEAD! It is often hidden or pushed aside and unknown by many of my clients. In this module you learn how to call it to the forefront and lead you in the right direction.

Module 2: Identify Your Own Fear parts

  • In this module you will identify YOUR most common self-sabotaging habits, which I refer to as your Personal Body Guards© (PBGs) eg, 'Perfectionist', 'Worrier', 'People Pleaser', and why thy are not who you really are.

Module 3: The 'Mind-Body Shift'

  • When people are aware of how stressed they are, the first thing they do is to try to talk themselves down with messages like, “relax” or “calm down”. Wrong answer. You will receive tools, based on the latest neuroscience, that will help you manage your stress.

Module 4: Working the true Self way

  • Instead of trying to rid yourself of negative feelings, you will learn how to appreciate them – yes, it’s a new twist on an old theme. In doing so, you will shift into a space where you can feel more empowering feelings you want to feel... like calm, creative, confident

Module 5: Your stress management Blueprint (for life)

  • In this module I will give you the blueprint you can use to manage your stress level anywhere and anytime, for the rest of your life.

Part 2 – Discover Your Ideal Career Match

Finding your Dream Business is like drilling tiny holes into an unbreakable black box. You can only see a small part at any one time. Each week you will be looking through one of those holes to reveal another clue to your Dream Business.

Week 1: Opposite of What You Don’t Want

  •  Most people know more of what they don’t want than what they do want. So, you will begin your journey there. When you look at the opposite of what you don’t want, you begin to see what you do want.

Week 2 - Your Passions

  • This week you will identifying your “passions” – a key part of your emotional compass. This will allow you to make choices that not only make you a lot of money but also allow your passions to come through.

Week 3: Your Mirror

  • Sometimes we can’t see what is right in front of us. This week you will be looking outside of yourself to see yourself through its reflection. There is a surprise at the end of this exercise that you don’t want to miss that will show you strengths that you have overlooked for years.

Week 4: Immerse Yourself

  • One of the keys to this journey is taking action. This week you will actually start taking baby steps towards your Dream even though you don’t know what it is yet.

Week 5: Your Purpose from your pain

  • This week you will be looking at painful moments in your life and finding purpose from them. You will witness Vanessa’s raw pain and how it moves her closer to her Dream.

Week 6: Your successes and strengths

  • Your Successes and Strengths - This week you are going to look at your past successes, both big and small and HOW you achieved those so you can replicate the process.

week 7: dream theme board and your "personal style"

  • This week includes reviewing your “Dream Theme Board”, seeing your personal style in how you like to work and probing your subconscious to reveal some hidden clues.

week 8:  Begin your itinerary

  • In the past 7 weeks you have looked inside your mystery black box from many angles. This week you begin to put all the clues together. Like any journey, you’ll begin to create your own Ideal Career Itinerary so you can start to travel in that direction.

Week 9: Brainstorming Your Itinerary

  • Brainstorming Your Itinerary - It’s brainstorming week! Now, you become more specific and start really keying in on the exact roads you will travel, every day in your Dream Business.

Week 10: Mix and Match

  • You will be brainstorming how to merge all the themes as your further narrow down the coordinates on your emotional compass.  

Week 11: Your Target Market Pain

  • After weeks of internal work, this week you look externally, studying your potential target markets to identify which one of your choices is desired most.

Week 12: How to Make a Decision

  • Because some people have difficulty with this stage, I give you 4 different ways to help you make your decision of your Best Career Match using your strong emotional compass.

Bonus: Celebrate and Next Steps

  • Celebrate your Ideal Business Match. As a bonus, I help you take the first step towards your Dream Business.

BONUS: Your Personal Body Guards Support Course

This course will help you deal with the fears and blocks that arise while doing Part 2 - the Discovery portion of this program. These include the fear of failure and the fear of success as well as some sabotaging behaviours like avoidance and rationalizing.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 60 Days

I’ll take away any and all of your risk. Go through the first 2 months of the program. Do the exercises and practice the tools I give you. If after 60 days you are not completely satisfied with the program, just send us an email asking for your money back and we'll be glad to give it to you. I don’t want you to have it if you are not completely satisfied because I want you to use it and tell your friends to go through it too.

And you get to keep the benefit of what you learned about your True Self for FREE. You have nothing to lose except your limitations that are stopping you from uncovering and finding your Best Career Match.

Our Quality Agreement

  • Concepts for our programs are based on real research. We only use processes in our online programs that have proven success records in private practice
  • We have used medical and neuroscience literature to help build our programs.
  • Dr. Sam Gerstein himself will be leading all of the live Q & A sessions each week
  • If you are willing to put in the work, we will guide you to your Dream Career

What is the Investment for this Program?

For those who are serious about taking control of your work life, I am going to offer this whole program to you:

  • Part 1 – Start Managing the Fears that Keep You Stuck
  • Part 2 – Discover Your Ideal Career Match
  • Support course to anticipate and prevent your fears from interfering with your discovery process
  • Plus My Live Weekly Coaching sessions
  • The investment is $3997

    (or use a payment plan of 3 monthly payments of $1397)

    You are going to be learning my best secrets that I have developed over the last 14 years in private psychotherapy practice where I have helped hundreds of people just like you overcome their fears and discover their own Dream Businesses. In addition, you will be getting access to the distinctions I made from having spent thousands of dollars studying this area. If you were to be my private client, it would cost you over $20k to do the same program.

    To enroll into this program, simply book a private one-on-one call with me by clicking on the button below. On this call we will talk about what your current work situation is, how you've tried to manage it and what you can do to change it now. If at the end of the call, we feel like this program is the right fit, I will send you a link to a secure checkout page where you can instantly enroll into the program.  

    As soon as you enroll, you will be given a password and will be taken to a private membership site where you can start the program right away. You will be given access to all of Part 1 of the Program so you can start immediately. You can then begin waking up that part of you that is energized, creative and balanced - I call that your 'True Self'. That is the best Part to begin managing your stress and moving in the direction of your ideal career match. It is one of the most exciting journeys you can take in life.

    Dr. Sam Gerstein, M.D.

    Growing up, education was a key value in my home. Becoming an MD was high on that list so, when I became chief of my ER department, I should have felt ecstatic. I was grateful but also confused and frustrated. I was moving up the “ladder of success” but feeling more stressed. Something was missing.

    After a brief soul-searching period, it came to me: I was missing the strong emotional ingredient. I felt that working in ER was meaningful but I was looking for more. I wondered how much stress people must feel when they don’t feel what they do has any meaning.

    I began to research work stress. I found that high work stress affects people in all areas - health, fulfillment, happiness and even life purpose. That led me on a path of hundreds of hours of research and thousands of dollars on education including psychology, neuroscience and business courses. In addition, I interviewed 120 people who were doing what they loved at work to learn how they accomplished that, and published the insights in my book, Live Your Dreams: Doctor’s Orders to show others that they can do it too.

    I used the lessons I learned from them, my psychology background and my own greatest strength of strategic coaching to create a program that guides people along the path to their own Dream Career. I left the ER and opened my own psychotherapy practice. Over the last 14 years, I’ve helped hundreds of clients with high work stress transform to a career that is a better match for them, continuously improving the program along the way.

    Now it is my mission to help people break away from work they dislike and guide them to their own unique Dream Career filled with passion and purpose.

    Here are some common concerns people share with me…

    You may be saying to yourself, “What’s all the fuss about. Other people at work have stress. That’s just normal.”

    I would respond by saying you are partially right. Over ⅔ of people have major work stress. But just because they are also in a career mismatch doesn’t make it normal - it makes it common!

    You may be thinking: “I don't want to just quit my job. I will lose my security.”

    The good news is that you need not quit your job. You can do this whole program on the side while you maintain your position at work.

    And finally, "Won’t I be disappointing my boss or colleagues if I leave?" 

    In the short term, you may. However, you may be giving some colleagues who also hate their jobs hope and inspiration. Either way, if you don’t do this, you will deeply disappoint yourself and regret it when you look back on your life later. So, let me ask you a question: Who would you rather disappoint in the long run – yourself or others?

    You Don't Have to Take my Word for it...

    Jack Canfield

    Co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and Author of The Success Principles

    Dr. Samuel Gerstein walks his talk. His own journey of self-discovery led him to his dream of helping others find theirs.
    Tom Stoyan 

    Canada's Sales Coach

    To discover your dream, what's blocking or slowing you down; or to discover how to get where your heart wants to take you...and get there more quickly - call Dr. Sam. And call him first!
    Dr. Bahram Jam

    Director: Advanced Physical Therapy Education Institute

    I can truly say that Sam Gerstein was life changing for me. Over 10 years ago he helped me discover my business
    direction and I have not looked back since.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Will this program work?

    Will this program work for me?

    Can't I do this on my own?

    What if I fall behind?

    Who will help me if I get stuck on a certain part or exercise? I

    What if I tell you that I don't have time to do this?

    Who is this program NOT for?

    Who do I contact if I have questions?

    Copyright © 2021 Custom-fit Business | Finding My Best Business Match