I help hard-working entrepreneurs get unstuck and take their business to the next revenue level.

Stuck at a Revenue Level?
If you're like most entrepreneurs I've worked with, you're stuck at a certain revenue level because you are likely working on the Wrong Issue.
When most entrepreneurs get stuck, they often believe it is due to...
- insufficient cash flow
- poor marketing
- inefficient operating system
- underperforming staff
- misunderstanding their market
- bad economic conditions
But they often miss the biggest problem: their own Business Blind Spots. These underlie ALL of the other factors.
That’s where I come in.
I help my clients identify and manage their biggest Business Blind Spots.
When they do, the path to fix all their other business issues becomes clearer.
When they don't, they often continue working on the wrong issues. This could be anything from hiring yet another marketing consultant who gives you a different method to try, or writing more content or creating Youtube videos or starting a podcast. This can go on for years because the entrepreneur can't see their own subconscious patterns.
I will help you see what you can't see. When you do, a whole new world will open up to you.

Dr. Samuel Gerstein
- Business Mindset Coach
- Author
- Medical Doctor
- Entrepreneur
My superpower is seeing and drawing out entrepreneur's superpowers
Some of My Previous Clients' Stories...
Clothing Designer
BBS: Money Insecurity - Risk averse
After Mindset Coaching with me, Gross Revenue increase of
+290% in 2 yrs

Real Estate Agent
BBS: Felt unworthy - was focused on her weaknesses and competitors' strengths
After Mindset Coaching with me, Gross Revenue increase of
+52% in 1 yr

BBS: People Pleaser
After Mindset Coaching with me, Gross Revenue increase of
+233% in 6 months

Working with a Business Mindset Coach is easy...

1. Schedule a free call with me
In a 45-minute consultation, you and I will talk about your biggest challenges and what big goals you have for yourself and your business.

2. Create a Customized Plan
I will discuss with you the step-by-step plan of how to identify and begin to manage your 'self-sabotaging' pattern and what you will be doing to take your business to the next revenue level.

3. Schedule your first appointment
We will set up a coaching schedule, where I will guide you to uncover your own unique Business Blind Spots and find ways to manage them.