Live Your Dreams: Doctor's Orders

In Live Your Dreams: Doctor's Orders, Samuel Gerstein walks his talk. As you will see from his personal story which begins the book, he was feeling the effects of work stress himself several years ago. His own journey of self discovery led him to his dream of helping others find theirs. I believe this book will inspire you to do the same. Read it if you are feeling lost, or if your work has little meaning. Read it if you are dissatisfied with or hate your job. Read it if you have given up hope that the majority of your adult life spent at work will ever be enjoyable or fulfilling."

Jack Canfield
“The SECRET”, Co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series & Author of The Success Principles™

Live Your Dreams: Doctor's Orders

Do these phrases sound familiar?

  • “I’m too old”
  • “I don’t have the time”
  • “I don’t have the money”
  • “I don’t even know who I am or what I want to do”

They should. These are a few of the reasons people I work with give as to why they can’t do what they love at work. And they are left working in dissatisfying jobs for years, which increases their work stress. And that is bad.

Medical evidence has shown that work stress can cause or worsen many health problems, including:

  • Chronic neck and back pain
  • Headaches
  • Frequent colds
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Heartburn
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Heart attacks
  • Strokes
  • Asthma
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Alcohol and tobacco use
  • High blood pressure
  • And many others…

After treating these health issues for years as an Emergency physician, I began to wonder if there was anything people could do about their work stress or was it an inevitable side effect of working in society.

The Old Paradigm: Everyone knows that work is hard, drab, boring and tolerable at best. In fact, 'work' has come to mean the opposite of “fun”, as demonstrated in the following conversation between friends:

Jeff: “Do you want to help me clean out the garage this weekend?”
Steven: “That sounds like a lot of work. I have other plans.”


But what if work didn’t have to be painful? What if it could be exciting, interesting and dare I say it, fun? I can hear what you are saying. “That isn’t possible, Sam.”

Well, I thought so too at one point. That is why I undertook a research project to see if there were people out there who loved their work and were enjoying the process.

The NEW Paradigm: Three-and-a-half years and 200 interviews later, I am happy to report that there are! They are in the minority in society but they are a growing segment of people who refuse to accept the status quo of working for 40 years of doing something you dislike or don’t believe in. They are in effect saying that there must be a better way and more and more people are finding it for themselves.

Indeed, old (false) paradigms do fall hard:

  • “The earth is flat” – debunked 1492
  • “Humans cannot go to the moon” – debunked 1969
  • “You cannot live your dreams at work” – debunked early 21st century

The people featured in the book, Live Your dreams: Doctor’s Orders, are not extraordinary people. They are like you and me in many ways, each with their own set of fears and weaknesses. In the book you will find people who are young and old, male and female, married, single or divorced, blue collar and white collar, employee, employer and self-employed. You are sure to find someone similar to yourself in this book. The biggest difference is that they were able to find ways to overcome self-limiting beliefs to go on and live their dreams at work.

These people were able to overcome each of the statements you read at the beginning of this report. Every person I interviewed in their Dream Business overcame one or more of the following limiting beliefs:

  • “I’m too old”
  • “I don’t have the time”
  • “I’m not smart enough”
  • “I don’t have the money”
  • “I don’t even know who I am or what I want to do”
  • and more…

Every one of the above “myths” is challenged by real people in the book, Live your Dreams: Doctor’s Orders. In it you will read about people like:

Scott McDiarmid, who proved he wasn’t too old at 40 to completely change direction and business.

Charles Marcus will show you how he overcame his stuttering and accompanying low self-esteem to enter and succeed as a professional speaker of all things!

Brent Rogers, who felt the pressure to look for something better when the bank he had dedicated himself to, for twenty three years changed the rules of the game on him. They slowly removed his flexibility and left him with administrative bureaucratic work. He didn’t give up though. You will find how he transitioned to his Dream Business.

and 37 more stories of how people overcame real challenges to move onto to their Dream Businesses.


When you read Live Your Dreams: Doctor’s Orders, you will...  

  • See that it is possible for people to have a Dream Business. Not that long ago living your dreams at work was only a fantasy. In the new millennium it has become a reality for the informed few.
  • Discover that “successful” people are not any different than you and me. They too have fears and challenges in life. They also have to face financial challenges, disappointments, marital problems and setbacks.
  • Learn how each person overcame their limiting beliefs and fears to begin moving forward in their Custom-fit Business.
  • See that there has never been a better time in history to make your dreams real.
  • Get clues to how you can begin living your own dreams at work.
  • Be inspired to change your life direction

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Robin Sharma

#1 Bestselling author of The Greatness Guide and The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

"The people in these stories will serve as role models for anyone who wants to live their dreams."

T. Harv Eker

#1 NY Times best-selling author of

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind™

" must read for anyone who doesn’t believe that dreams do come true - and for those who do."

Bernie Siegel, MD

Author of 365 Prescriptions For The Soul and Prescriptions For Living

“You can change your life or your attitude towards your life. We are all capable of change when we have the desire and intention to do so. This book can help coach and guide you and show you that reinventing yourself is possible.”

Michael Gerber

Author of, The E-Myth Revisited

Chief Dreamer, In The Dreaming

"This book is a thrilling antidote for the needless poisons that consume us in our lives, the negative emotions we see and feel expressed all around us, the negative stories told in the media as if there was nothing positive to be said. Read the good Doctor, feel his heart, and say to yourself, ain’t life grand where a man of medicine has made the commitment of love on our behalf. I love it!" 

Nido Qubein

President, High Point University
Chairman, Great Harvest Bread Co.

"Dr. Gerstein introduces us to 40 individuals who have accomplished the impossible to reach profound success. It is through the guidance of those who have traveled the path before us that we can learn to achieve our own life dreams. This book is a priceless treasure of tried-and-true wisdom for all ages."

Dr. Lance Secretan

Author, ONE: The Art and Practice of Conscious Leadership

"Dr. Gerstein has shown us, through many real examples, how we can convert dreams from aspiration to reality. If you have a dream, but have not realized it yet, read this book and inspire yourself to action!"

W. Mitchell, C.P.A.E.

Author of It’s not what happens to you it’s what you do about it.

“It’s one thing to dream. It’s another thing to have your doctor help you turn your dream into success. Read Live Your Dreams: Doctor’s Orders and your dreams may come true.”